Florence Update
Hurricane Florence Update:
There are 3 things you can assume about church tomorrow:
1. If the church has no power, we will not have any services or meetings.
2. If you cannot safely leave your home, or get through on the streets, do not come to church.
3. If I cancel church, I will post it here and text everyone whose cell phone numbers I have. Please tell each other! Keep your phone charged and charge an extra battery or two.
If you need help, make these calls in this order:
-Call 911 – even if you don’t know if it’s important or not, call them, they can refer you to the right person
-Call 211 – they can get you to a shelter, transportation, answer questions, and assist you with any city, county, state or federal resources
-Call your family – let them know your plan and check in with them
-Check on the elderly and those who live alone
Pray for all who are dealing with the effects and aftermath of this weather event.
In His Love and Service,
Pastor Caren
Praying for the victims of Florence.

Mount Hermon United Methodist Church
2695 Alfred Hartley Road
Lenoir, NC 28638
Rev. Caren Bigelow Morgan, pastor
Sunday Worship at 9:45 AM
Sunday School at 9:00 AM